
Showing posts from August, 2018

How to submit BI Report Online using Web Service

As REST APIs are under controlled availability and most of the SOAP services are deprecated, to get data from Oracle Cloud in real time could be a challenging task. An alternate solution is to build a BI report using data model and submit this report using Web Service to get the result in near real time. Steps: 1. Create a Data Model and report in BI. Use SQL query to fetch data as per requirement. 2. Invoke SOAP Service. WSDL:  https://<host>/xmlpserver/services/v2/ReportService?wsdl Operation name = runReport Request:    <soapenv:Body>       <v2:runReport>          <v2:reportRequest>             <v2:byPassCache>true</v2:byPassCache>             <v2:flattenXML>true</v2:flattenXML> ...