Getting value of Database Items
Many a times to debug issues with fast formula which uses database items, we want to know exact sql query executed to get the value. Also, to get YTD values of any balance using DBI, we may need to know the value it is returning based on the context which we are setting. Following steps can be used to get to the value of any DBI. 1. Get user entity id. SELECT USER_NAME, DEFINITION_TEXT, USER_ENTITY_ID FROM FF_DATABASE_ITEMS WHERE USER_NAME = 'XX_HOURS_ASG_YTD'; 2. Get Route Id. SELECT ROUTE_ID FROM FF_USER_ENTITIES WHERE USER_ENTITY_ID = 300000467685757; 3. Get the SQL query used for this DBI: SELECT TEXT FROM FF_ROUTES WHERE ROUTE_ID = 300000000327764; In this case as we are fetching YTD value which uses seeded function, it returns dual. 4. The result from above query may use contexts (&B1, &B2, etc). To get the context name use below query: select a.context_id, a.context_name, b.sequence_no from ff_co...