Audit on a user in Fusion HCM

If you want to know what all transactions was done by a user in your Fusion HCM Cloud, you need to query FND_AUDIT_USER_TABLE_ACCESS table to find list of tables any specific user has updated/inserted/deleted. If audit framework is enabled in your environment, you should also be able to capture the audit information whether a transaction was inserted, updated or deleted from the base table.

Step 1:

Use below sql to get the list of tables which are modified by the specific user.

select *
where user_name like 'abc';

Step 2:

Query shadow table to get the audit information. So, if the base table is PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M from step 1, query on the shadow table like below:

select *
where (last_updated_by = 'abc' or created_by = 'abc' ) ;


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