SQL to get Costing details on Element Entry

Problem Statement:

Costing information is not same as what is there in the element entry level. Element entry level is the lowest in costing hierarchy, which means if there is costing information at element entry level, calculate payroll process should reflect this information in costing details. It is not appearing.

So, check the time when costing information was loaded in the system using below SQL:

select sysdate,pcaa.cost_alloc_account_id
from pay_cost_alloc_accounts pcaa
,pay_cost_allocations_f pcaf
where pcaa.cost_allocation_record_id=pcaf.cost_allocation_record_id
and source_sub_type='COST'
and pcaf.source_type='EE'
and pcaf.source_id in (select pee.element_entry_id
from per_all_people_f peo,
pay_element_entries_f pee,
pay_element_types_vl pet
where peo.person_number = :p_person_number
and pee.person_id = peo.person_id
and pee.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
and pet.element_name=:p_element_name
and pee.effective_start_date = to_date('06-29-2024','MM-DD-YYYY'))

Creation date is greater then payroll calculation process submission time.


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