
Calculation Card for Absence

 Problem statement: How to identify when and who created an Absence Calculation Card.  SELECT DISTINCT     v.value_defn_id,     v.effective_start_date,     v.effective_end_date,     v.base_name,     v.value_group_id,     v.calc_type_id,     v.legislation_code,     v.legislative_data_group_id,     v.created_by,     v.creation_date,     v.last_update_date,     v.last_updated_by,     v.parent_value_defn_id,     v.source_id,     v.source_type,     v.dir_override_usage_id,     v.date_mode,     r.range_item_id,     r.effective_start_date range_item_eff_start_date,     r.effective_end_date   range_item_eff_end_date,     r.low_value,     r.high_value,     r.value1,     r.value2,     r.value3,     r.created_by  ...

SQL to get Costing details on Element Entry

Problem Statement: Costing information is not same as what is there in the element entry level. Element entry level is the lowest in costing hierarchy, which means if there is costing information at element entry level, calculate payroll process should reflect this information in costing details. It is not appearing. So, check the time when costing information was loaded in the system using below SQL: select sysdate,pcaa.cost_alloc_account_id ,pcaa.id_flex_num ,pcaa.cost_allocation_keyflex_id ,pcaa.proportion ,pcaa.segment1  ,pcaa.segment2  ,pcaa.segment3  ,pcaa.sub_type_sequence ,pcaf.source_id ,pcaa.creation_date ,pcaa.last_update_date ,pcaa.created_by ,pcaa.last_updated_by from pay_cost_alloc_accounts pcaa ,pay_cost_allocations_f pcaf where pcaa.cost_allocation_record_id=pcaf.cost_allocation_record_id and source_sub_type='COST' and pcaf.source_type='EE' and pcaf.source_id in (select pee.element_entry_id from per_all_people_f peo, pay_element_entries_f pee, pay_elemen...

How to know who updated a folder in BI

Today somebody asked me how to find who updated my reports folder. I do not see it in the UI. All it says is it was last updated yesterday. So, to help find this out, I used following query : SELECT  report_folder, report_path, report_type_code, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by   FROM GL_FRC_REPORTS_B  WHERE report_folder like '%401k%%'

Why do I get ???? in my etext report

When you have any syntax error in your etext template, the very first column will be prefixed by question mark/marks depending on the length of first field. Therefore, if you ever encounter this kind of issue in your etext template, check for all the syntax errors. In my case, I was getting it because I did not use IF THEN ELSE Condition correctly. Incorrect code: IF x=1 THEN '10' ELSE x=2 THEN '20' END IF Correct code: IF x=1 THEN '10' ELSE IF x=2 THEN '20' END IF

Getting value of Database Items

Many a times to debug issues with fast formula which uses database items, we want to know exact sql query executed to get the value. Also, to get YTD values of any balance using DBI, we may need to know the value it is returning based on the context which we are setting. Following steps can be used to get to the value of any DBI. 1. Get user entity id. SELECT USER_NAME, DEFINITION_TEXT, USER_ENTITY_ID FROM FF_DATABASE_ITEMS WHERE USER_NAME = 'XX_HOURS_ASG_YTD'; 2. Get Route Id. SELECT ROUTE_ID FROM FF_USER_ENTITIES WHERE USER_ENTITY_ID = 300000467685757; 3. Get the SQL query used for this DBI: SELECT TEXT FROM FF_ROUTES WHERE ROUTE_ID = 300000000327764; In this case as we are fetching YTD value which uses seeded function, it returns dual. 4. The result from above query may use contexts (&B1, &B2, etc). To get the context name use below query: select  a.context_id, a.context_name, b.sequence_no from ff_co...

How to get all service endpoints of your environment

You can use the catalog service "https://<test-pod>" and call operation getAllServiceEndPoints to get all the service endpoints of your environment.

Audit on a user in Fusion HCM

If you want to know what all transactions was done by a user in your Fusion HCM Cloud, you need to query FND_AUDIT_USER_TABLE_ACCESS table to find list of tables any specific user has updated/inserted/deleted. If audit framework is enabled in your environment, you should also be able to capture the audit information whether a transaction was inserted, updated or deleted from the base table. Step 1: Use below sql to get the list of tables which are modified by the specific user. select * from FND_AUDIT_USER_TABLE_ACCESS where user_name like 'abc'; Step 2: Query shadow table to get the audit information. So, if the base table is PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M from step 1, query on the shadow table like below: select * from PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M_ where (last_updated_by = 'abc' or created_by = 'abc' ) ;